Citizenship Posters

We will be going to Glogster and creating two posters dealing with citizenship. There are many traits that a good citizen might have. Here are a few:

  1. Obeys the law
  2. Respects authority (police, etc.)
  3. Contributes to society and the community
  4. Love his/her country
  5. Respects all nationalities
  6. Believes in doing what is right
  7. Stands up for the rights of others
  8. Tries to serve others before himself/herself

You will pick two of the above traits and make two posters–one trait per poster. The poster will be made at Glogster.

Poster Checklist Points Available Points Received
Poster completed on time 5
Trait is titled on the poster 5
Poster contains images reflecting the trait you have chosen—you must have three images you have imported 15
Posters contain text pertinent to the trait you have chosen and clearly explains the trait 15
Text font is easy to read; check spelling and grammar 10
Poster has graphics from pertinent to the trait. 10
Poster has a “page wall” (not too distracting from the content of the poster) 5
Poster has a “glog wall” (not too distracting from the content of the poster) 5
Glog is inserted into Edublogs 5
Total Points 75

Reading Project

You are required to do two projects for your reading class each quarter.  I am going to give you three days to work on your projects.  You must complete at least one project during that time and that project must be electronic.  It does not matter how you choose to do your project–you may do a Prezi, a PowerPoint, a Word document, or a Glog.

Below is a Prezi of a favorite book of mine.  You will notice that I told about the author, outlined a few of the major characters, gave a synopsis of the book without giving away the ending, and gave a recommendation.

Favorite Book Prezi
Project completed on time
Project name includes the book’s name
Who is the author and a little about him/her.
Picture of the author
Picture of the book jacket
Overview of at least three major characters in the book:  Character 1
Overview of at least three major characters in the book:  Character 2
Overview of at least three major characters in the book:  Character 3
Synopsis of the book–do not spoil it!
Recommendation of the book
Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar