Columbian Exchange

You will be making a poster for social studies class on the Columbian Exchange. Follow the directions below. You will make part of your assignment in PowerPoint and then will complete it at Glogster EDU. If Glogster does not seem to work very well for you, you might try switching browsers–for example if you use Internet Explorer, try Firefox if you have problems.

Be sure to double-check your completed project against the rubric given below.

The arrival of the Spanish in the Americas brought a movement of plants, animals, and diseases between the Eastern and Western hemispheres. This movement of living things between the hemispheres is called the Columbian Exchange. Below is a picture depicting which items came to the Americas and which items went back to Spain.


    1. Make a folder in your directory called Columbian Exchange.
    2. Open PowerPoint. Save as xxx Columbian PPT (sub your initials for xxx) in the folder you just made.
    3. Change the Layout to Comparison.
    4. Choose a design of your choice.
    5. Title the top line Columbian Exchange.
    6. Title the left side From Spain to the Americas
    7. Title the right side From the Americas to Spain
    8. Your PowerPoint should look similar to this:


    1. List at least nine items on each side. The font size will adjust to fit the screen as you add items.
    2. Click Save.
    3. Click File, Save As.
    4. Make sure you go to the Columbian Exchange Folder you made.
    5. Save your slide as xxx Columbian JPG and change the file type to JPEG.

  1. When you get the pop-up box, choose Current Slide Only.
  2. Go to the internet. Search for pictures of five things on each side of the list—you will have a total of ten pictures.
  3. Right-click on the picture and “Save Picture As” or “Save Image As”. Be sure you save to your Columbian Exchange folder and name the picture something that makes sense—for example, if you have a picture of a pumpkin, name it pumpkin!
  4. Go to Glogster EDU
  5. Your nickname is kpsXXXXX (however you log onto the machines) and the password is your normal password.
  6. Once in Glogster, click Image, Upload, and find Columbian JPG. Click Open. Find it on the list and select it. Click Use It!
  7. Choose a Wall (Background) of your choice, but make sure it is generic or fits the theme.
  8. Make a small textbox in the lower right corner. Put your first name and last initial in it.
  9. Insert your ten pictures and drag them around the screen so they fit attractively. You will need to resize them. Be sure not to cover any of the text on the chart—remember, the chart is the focal point of the whole poster!
  10. Arrange at least some of your pictures at an angle to add a little artistic embellishment to the poster.
  11. A scoring rubric is given below. Be sure you have completed everything!


Columbian Exchange Rubric




Correct PowerPoint template chosen


Chart titled and subtitled as directed


Design chosen for the chart


At least nine items on each side


Spelling and Grammar


Wall chosen that is generic or fits the theme


At least ten pictures—five for each side of the chart


Pictures resized and arranged attractively; not much empty space on poster


Name in a textbox on lower right side—only first name and last initial


Poster completed on time





Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

About Me Page

In this exercise, you will write your About Me page.

Remember that there is a different between Pages and Posts in the blogging world. Pages remain static–always available in one place. There should be a tab in your header for the different pages or you should have a Pages widget in one of your sidebars. Make sure you have added the ‘Pages’ widget to your sidebar. Dashboard> appearance> widgets> drag ‘pages’ across.

Posts are what we normally write. Every time you write a new post, it appears at the top of your blog. The older ones will continually go further down your blog page. What you will be writing normally are posts and they will gradually disappear off the bottom of the column on your blog.

Please remember not to be too specific. No one needs to know your last name, your town, your school name, or any other personal information. Tell me a little about yourself: check out Miss Lindgren’s About Page.

How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Do you have any pets?
Are you out for any sports or do you belong to any organizations such as student council?
How do you like to spend your free time?
What are some things you are good at?

My Summer Activities

You are to tell about 3 different summer activities you did. I want you to describe what you did, why it was fun (or not fun), and who was with you. You are to explain it in such a way that I feel like I was a part of this special activity.

This is a descriptive essay. It should have an introduction, three paragraphs in the middle about each of the activities, and a conclusion that ends your essay.

You need to write in complete sentences. You must type this paper. You should double space it and use Times New Roman with size 12 font.